Arlen Dispute Resolution Services works with people in conflict to help avoid fighting it out in court. We help facilitate communication between the parties in a safe and non-threatening environment, typically resulting in a mutually satisfying and sustainable agreement.
Conflict is a natural fact of life.
Conflict is a natural fact of life.
Mediation is the process of resolving disputes with a neutral third party. We believe mediation to be a wise alternative to costly litigation. Arlen Dispute Resolution Services works with people in conflict to help avoid fighting it out in court. We help facilitate communication between the parties in a safe and non-threatening environment. We assist the parties to sit face-to-face clarifying their issues and interests. Then we help brainstorm solutions that work for both. A Memorandum of Understanding is drafted to formalized the agreed upon outcomes. If you're ready to reach a resolution to your dispute, we encourage you to consideration mediation.
We are firmly committed to the principles of fairness, equity and mutual participation. Our facilitative process engages participants, transforms their understanding and relating, which leads to resolution of the conflict. We support our clients with creative approaches and innovative solutions that empower participants to decide and agree on their own outcomes. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.
Relationship Mediation
Relationship Mediation
We're committed to honoring and preserving what you've built together. Whether you're navigating a difficult issue, entering a new phase, consciously uncoupling or co-parenting, we're here to help. Contact us today.
Workplace Conflict Resolution
Workplace Conflict Resolution
In today's increasingly diverse workplaces, conflict is unavoidable. Healthy conflict opens up new ways of thinking and relating that open up the potential for innovative solutions. If you're in conflict at work, we're here to help.
Landlord/Tenant Mediation
Landlord/Tenant Mediation
Landlord/Tenant disputes are often fought out in court. Our non-adversarial process focuses on objectively helping disputing parties reach mutually acceptable and voluntary agreements.
What people are saying about Christopher
What people are saying about Christopher
Powerful and empowering. Christopher Arlen fearlessly dives into thought-provoking territory that generates significant shifts in places that matter the most — inside. His ability to connect with people and have them access their full potential is simply profound.
Greg Archer - Author